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Regeneration With PRF

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PRF Treatment By Enchanted Medical Aesthetics
PRF Treatment By Enchanted Medical Aesthetics

Regeneration With PRF

Naturally stimulate brand new, youthful cells.

One reason we love and recommend PRF for skin, sex, and hair so much is there’s little or no downside. Because PRF comes from your own blood plasma, there’s no potential for allergies or rejection.

PRF is one of our most potent treatments to help counteract the signs of aging.


You’ve probably heard of people who get stem cell injections in their knees or hips to treat tendonitis or arthritis. That’s where this treatment all began, but here at CSLC, we use PRF in four unique ways:

Skin Rejuvenation


Hair Restoration


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Naturally stimulate brand new, youthful cells.

One reason we love and recommend PRF for skin, sex, and hair so much is there’s little or no downside. Because PRF comes from your own blood plasma, there’s no potential for allergies or rejection.

PRF is one of our most potent treatments to help counteract the signs of aging.


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Skin Rejuvenation

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Hair Restoration

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How PRF Works

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Starts with a quick blood draw and then we use a centrifuge to separate out concentrated PRF from your own blood cells.


The area to be treated is numbed for comfort. For hair and skin, it’s fairly painless after numbing: similar to Botox injections.


PRF helps stimulate cell growth. The results aren’t immediate, but over weeks and months, PRF goes to work building new, youthful cells. Practicing patience is probably the only downside.

Fibrin is a biological scaffold that forms in response to an injury anywhere in the body. Platelets normally circulate within the blood and will bind to a scaffold of fibrin. When platelets bind to the fibrin scaffold, they become activated and release growth factors. These growth factors start the wound healing process by creating new skin cells, collagen, and blood vessels.

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Aged cells simply don’t function the way youthful cells function. Compared to youthful skin cells, aging cells have:
  • Less cell turnover and division = dull skin tone, roughness, age spots
  • 30% less moisture = dryness, dehydration, tiredness
  • Decreased collagen and elastin = sagging, wrinkles
  • Weak cell membranes = nutrient loss, loss of structure

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Injected: PRF injected into the dermis or specific lines on the face or body with very small needles improves skin quality (making skin firmer, more elastic, more hydrated, and smoother).

With Microneedling: PRF applied topically like a serum during microneedling seeps into the microchannel wounds, allowing for better superficial collagen and elastin fiber deposition.

With Lasers: PRF injected and applied topically at the same time a TotalFX treatment is performed improves both the healing time and results of fractional lasers.

With Facial Fillers: Dermal filler results are lengthened and improved with injected PRF.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How many treatments are recommended?” tab_id=”1613548585428-125b4498-c9b0a837-0449″][vc_column_text]PRF treatments may be performed individually to maintain, preserve, or prevent. A series of 3 treatments 3-6 weeks apart provides the most corrective and rejuvenating results.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How safe is PRF?” tab_id=”1615449389811-37c7d119-1835a837-0449″][vc_column_text]PRF is extremely safe. Since PRF is your own natural fibrin, there is very little risk of any adverse event.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Is there anything else I should know?” tab_id=”1615449465706-470d8d1d-430da837-0449″][vc_column_text]Hydrate well on the day of your treatment for an easy blood draw. Results will be best if you avoid anti-inflammatories (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve) for 1-2 weeks after your treatment. Tylenol is recommended for any discomfort. If you have microneedling or laser treatments, follow the specific aftercare instructions provided for you. Some minor bruising, soreness, and swelling are normal and expected after PRF injections.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Enchanted Medical Aesthetics Logo | Medspa in Ormond Beach, FL


How PRF Works

Starts with a quick blood draw and then we use a centrifuge to separate out concentrated PRF from your own blood cells.


The area to be treated is numbed for comfort. For hair and skin, it’s fairly painless after numbing: similar to Botox injections.


PRF helps stimulate cell growth. The results aren’t immediate, but over weeks and months, PRF goes to work building new, youthful cells. Practicing patience is probably the only downside.

Fibrin is a biological scaffold that forms in response to an injury anywhere in the body. Platelets normally circulate within the blood and will bind to a scaffold of fibrin. When platelets bind to the fibrin scaffold, they become activated and release growth factors. These growth factors start the wound healing process by creating new skin cells, collagen, and blood vessels.


Aged cells simply don’t function the way youthful cells function. Compared to youthful skin cells, aging cells have:
  • Less cell turnover and division = dull skin tone, roughness, age spots
  • 30% less moisture = dryness, dehydration, tiredness
  • Decreased collagen and elastin = sagging, wrinkles
  • Weak cell membranes = nutrient loss, loss of structure

Injected: PRF injected into the dermis or specific lines on the face or body with very small needles improves skin quality (making skin firmer, more elastic, more hydrated, and smoother).

With Microneedling: PRF applied topically like a serum during microneedling seeps into the microchannel wounds, allowing for better superficial collagen and elastin fiber deposition.

With Lasers: PRF injected and applied topically at the same time a TotalFX treatment is performed improves both the healing time and results of fractional lasers.

With Facial Fillers: Dermal filler results are lengthened and improved with injected PRF.


PRF treatments may be performed individually to maintain, preserve, or prevent. A series of 3 treatments 3-6 weeks apart provides the most corrective and rejuvenating results.


PRF is extremely safe. Since PRF is your own natural fibrin, there is very little risk of any adverse event.


Hydrate well on the day of your treatment for an easy blood draw. Results will be best if you avoid anti-inflammatories (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve) for 1-2 weeks after your treatment. Tylenol is recommended for any discomfort. If you have microneedling or laser treatments, follow the specific aftercare instructions provided for you. Some minor bruising, soreness, and swelling are normal and expected after PRF injections.

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