
Everything you Need to Know about New Moon Makeover

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A new moon symbolizes a new beginning, a clean slate, and a fresh start. It is a celestial slate-cleaning, a summons to make a change and renew yourself inside and out. What better way to make a clean slate for your complexion than with a New Moon Makeover from Enchanted Medical Aesthetics? A new Moon Makeover will revive your skin back to its younger-looking complexion by eliminating sun damage, discoloration, and small imperfections on your skin.

What’s Included in the New Moon Makeover?

The first step starts by focusing on pigmentation, redness and discoloration. This step addresses age spots, pigmentation, rosacea, vascular lesions, acne, scarring, and sun damage. The next step is the application of a medium-depth chemical peel, our VI Peel. A medium-depth medical-grade chemical peel targets trouble areas and brings pigmentation and redness areas to the surface. These problems peel off over the next week or so.

One week after your combination treatment, you will meet with Enchanted Medical Aesthetics’ aestheticians for the third step, a dermaplaning treatment. Dermaplaning removes any remaining pigmentation and dead skin left over after your peel. The result is beautifully smooth skin that radiates from the inside out. After dermaplaning, pigment is gone, leaving you with smoother, lighter, more youthful-looking skin.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a skin exfoliation treatment using a medical-grade surgical blade to remove vellus hair and dead skin cells from the skin. Dermaplaning will give your skin a brighter, smoother, and more even look. The treatment also helps remove surface acne scarring. Dermaplaning is safe and can be used on any skin type or color. In addition, dermaplaning allows serums and creams to soak into the skin much more effectively.


The magic of a New Moon Makeover will leave you with brighter and lighter skin. Your skin will also feel and look tighter in just one week’s time. You have a fresh start and a new slate to your complexion. You can sit back and realize that years of sun damage and discoloration have been removed. Enchanted’s New Moon Makeover includes both the face and the neck.

Contact Enchanted Medical Aesthetics to schedule a consultation to see if you’re a good candidate for a New Moon Makeover. You can also give us a call at 386-317-1449 for more information.

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